Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Electrical 7/9/14

Hi all!

The electrical team has been hard at work all day researching different ways to mount the racing rockets.

We were debating the merits of using motors over servos for the better part of the morning. After extensive back and forth, we finally decided to use servos because it can both wind and unwind without reversing the polarity and it interfaces more cleanly with Arduino.

Following that, we began to figure out how to build the pulley track. We decided to use aluminum channels for stability. The hardest part of the day was finding a easy way to hook the servo up as a motor to the pulley. We finally found a website that sold ways to mount a gear on the servo directly. Additionally, we decided to use a belt system rather than a string/single pulley system so that we had more control over the placement of the rocket as it moves up the track.

After today, I think everyone here at electrical has a lot more respect for all the detailed researched it takes to find pieces that work together. Now we can read specs sheets more efficiently!

Tomorrow we hope to finalize our parts list for the pulley system and start sketching designs for lights!

-The Electrical Team

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